We are pleased to announce the reopening of the Marinarium of the Station marine de Concarneau on wednesday May 19.

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Rendez-Vous de Concarneau 2023


Thursday 9 and Friday 10 November 2023

Concarneau Marine Station

13th edition of the Rendez vous de Concarneau

Where Industry meets Science in marine biotechnology


The international symposium "Les Rendez-Vous de Concarneau" takes place every year at the Concarneau Marine Station. It is intended to be part of a continuum between the fundamental research developped within the laboratories concerned and the applications of this research in marine biotechnologies. The symposium brings together a group of experts from the world of fundamental and applied research and industrials with a link to the maritime field with multidisciplinary and complementary skills and aims to provide technology and knowledge transfer between European skateholders.

For the 13th edition, we will focused on bioinspiration in health and cosmetics fields. An industry visit with a bioinspiration project is planned.


Latest update PDF available below


Practical informations

The official conference language is English.

Registration must be made by e-mail at specifying the subject of the e-mail "Rendez vous de Concarneau".

Registration is free but mandatory for attendees (places are limited).

Your final registration will be personally confirmed to you by e-mail after reception of your pre-registration.

Scientific and steering committee

Nadia AMEZIANE (Professor, Head of the Concarneau Marine Station, MNHN, co-chair of the RVCC 2023 committee)

Hélène SALIN (Valorisation director MNHN, co-chair of the RVCC 2023 committee)

Annabelle AISH (Bioinspire Project Manager, MNHN)

Jian-Sheng SUN (Professor MNHN, Head of the biomimicry axis of the MNHN)

Guillian GRAVES (Designer, Director of the Big Bang Project Agency)

Laura MAGRO (Associate Director of scientific development, CEEBIOS)

Roland CONANEC (Head of cosmetics development and ingredient projects, Biotech Santé Bretagne)

Catherine BOYEN (Research director CNRS, Head of the Roscoff Marine Station)

Jean-Paul CADORET (Scientific director Algamafoods)

Solène AVIGNON (RVCC2023 organization manager, Concarneau Marine Station MNHN)




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